Aloe Ferox
Capo Aloe - Bitter Aloe - Red Aloe

A stunning, large Aloe widely distributed in a wide variety of habitats in South Africa and Lesotho. It grows a robust, solitary trunk that can reach 4/6 m tall. The large, succulent, bluish to grayish green leaves form an unbranched rosette. The old leaves stay on the trunk to form a dense skirt below the crown. The stunning, large, branched and short-stalked inflorescence holds many red flowers. In cultivation it is a popular and easy to grow species for the dryish, warm temperate to tropical garden in USDA Zones 9 to 11 that can take drought and some cold with light freezes.

As perennials, cacti and succulents can be sown throughout the year. For seeding use cactus potting soil such as coco or peat moss, with perlite or vermiculite.
Surface sow and cover very lightly. Always keep the
potting soil moist, never let it dry out.
Keep at the temperature of 28/32°C- 82/89°F using a propagator in cold
Germinations in 4/12 weeks