Netherlands Medal Marie-Christine and Albert of Saxe-Teschen 1786
Copper 18.8g 34mm; Brabantization of Governor

Token of the administration of the sovereigns managing the Austrian Netherlands at the end of the 18th century.

By van Berckel
On the obverse : MAR CHRIST AVST ALB CAS SAX DVX BELG PRAEF the busts of Maria-Christina of Austria and albert of Saxony.
On the reverse : PRINCIPES OPTIMI BRAB CIVIT DONATI in the field , the date in roman's numbers.

Ref.: Kenis, 357; de Witte, van Berckel, 106; de Coster, 893.

1786, Austrian Netherlands, the Archdukes Maria Christina of Austria and Albert of Saxe-Teschen obtain citizenship of Brabant - VZ busts of the Archdukes facing each other, by van Berckel, copper, octagonal, 34 mm, Kenis 357, De Witte 106 PR , uneven edge

In 1786, the governors general asked to be received among the Brabant natives, to flatter the States of Brabant dissatisfied with the reforms of Joseph II. Their request was granted. To commemorate the event, gold, silver and copper medals were minted and distributed to members of the states.