Naval Aviation 1945-1995 (The Century of Flight)

Discover how the naval aviation developed from the era of close-range carriers and piston-driven planes to today's "floating cities," capable of deploying advanced jet aircraft anywhere in the world, with 'Naval Aviation' . . .Through spectacular aerial footage and vivid historical acounts, you'll take part in the first sea landing tests for jets, guiding your Phantom in for a spin-rattling touchdown on a pitching flight deck. Fly into heavy fire during General MacArthur's Inchon invasion, after catapulting off of a battle-front ship along the Korean Coast. Soar through the skies in your A-6 intruder on a Tomcat into a skirmish with Libyan fighters and ride above the waves in an attack helicopter looking for Iraqui patrol boats during Operation Desert Strom. Finally, experience a tour of duty on a modern-day aircraft carrier, becoming part of the flight crew, as you train for future confrontations in the world's hotspots.

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