Model engine for locomotives
ID : 143231201
Voltage : 6V 155mA
Speed: 7200 rpm / 0.64 Ncm
Collector : 5 parts + anti-storage circuit board
Dimension : d = 24 x 18 mm l = 33.5 mm

Axle dxl : 2 x 8.5 mm and 2 x 6.0

Model engine for locomotives ID : 143231201 Type Voltage : 6V 155mA Speed: 7200 rpm / 0.64 Ncm Collector : 5 parts + anti-storage circuit board Dimension : d = 24 x 18 mm l = 33.5 mm Axle dxl : 2 x 8.5 mm and 2 x 6.0