Board Books to Stimulate the Child's Senses
From a 2" Spotty Dog to a Puzzle book. Great for the Young

ID #
Title ISBN Author Illustrator Cover Condition Page Condition Lastest
Copy Date/Pub
Size Manufacturer
1 Spotty Can't Sleep: A Little People Play-Book 1-57584-179-7 Sarah Willson Thompson Bros. Good; slight edgewear
w/ glue bind
Very Good 1997/1997
5"x5" Joshua Morris  Publishing
2 Cuddle Feelies: Flying Things 0-679-88587-0 ---- ---- Good; slight edgewear
w/ glue bind
Very Good 1996/---- 4.75"x4.75" Random House Publishing
3 Children of Wonder: Helping the Animals 0-88138-085-7 Alexandra Day Cooper Edens Good; slight edgewear
w/ glue bind
Very Good 1987/1st Edition:2nd Printing 5.5"x5.5" Green Tiger Press
4 Playtime at the Zoo: Jigsaw Book 0-307-13978-6 ---- Couny Studido
Good; slight edgewear
w/ glue bind
Very Good 2000/---- 4.5"x6.75" Grandreams


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  • Please read descriptions to see the  condition of each.

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