"THE DOLPHIN" incredibly from a piece of quartz infused with red/orange rutile and careful but focused cutting, using the round brilliant cut, i managed to get this awesome result of a dolphine chasing a school of fish, even including the dorsal fin and tail. Look at the front view zoom in or out then tell me i am wrong. The rear view is also exciting, The fact it is in a shell may not suit u but the good news is that the stone can easily be transferred to whatever setting u like. But way to expensive for me gold/silver. For me it is about the stone:)

Just a thought, is this a sign for the Dolpins in NRL hunting down their competitors? hmmm excluding the Bronco's "Go Kevy". But if u know or are a Dolphins supporter great present!

By the way this is the only one of its kind in the world never to be repeated.... thats got to be cool! Right.