Kowhai - Sophora fulvida - 10 seeds.

Something a bit special. Very limited. Sophora fulvida, under the New Zealand Threat Classification System, it is classified as "At Risk - Naturally Uncommon", because of its restricted range.

Like other Kowhai species, Tui and bellbird are attracted to the yellow flowers. It's a legume so enriches the soil with nitrogen. Unlike most other kowhai species, the leaves have a light covering of golden tomentum or hair which can be quite attractive. This is the dominant kowhai species in the Waitakere ranges of New Zealand.

The yellow seeds germinate best when the outside of the seed has been chipped or rubbed with sandpaper. Young kowhai are quite frost tender, so cuttings or seedlings should be planted in their second year when they are 30 cm or higher.

Long lived seeds.