Funguses (also called fungi) are parasitic, spore-producing organisms. They obtain their nourishment by absorbing food from the hosts on which they grow. Many species of fungus exist in the environment, but only some cause infections. The primary source of most infections is soil. Fungal infections can be acquired by inhalation, ingestion, or through the skin (for example, through a cut or wound).

Some fungal infections can cause disease in otherwise healthy animals, while others require a host that is incapacitated or immunocompromised (by, for example, such stresses as poor nutrition, viral infections, or cancer) to establish infection. Prolonged use of antimicrobial drugs or immunosuppressive agents appears to increase the likelihood of some fungal infections. The infection itself may be localized or may affect the entire body (systemic or generalized).

This product has been formulated for your horse who suffer from Fungus infection. Also, aids in fighting various conditions like rain rot, dry, flaky skin, wound bacteria, girth itch, dew poisoning, pastern dermatitis and ringworm. It is often the only effective treatment the reaches other areas of your pet's body. This supplement can solve the problem from the inside out. 100 % Natural. No side effects.

Supplement Facts: 450 mg of grapefruit seed, 300 mg of caprylic acid, Goldenseal Root 300 mg, Black Walnut 300 mg, 200 million of Lactobacillus acidophilus, Bifidobacterium bifidum and Proprietary Blend.


Directions: Equine takes 3 Capsules  daily,  If  the equines can not swallow,  please  break  it  and  sprinkle in the food or water.


PRICE: 39.99



EXP.: 12/2029