Yang Style Tai Chi - Pushing Hands by Ding Deshui 2DVDs



Yang Style Tai Chi Fist Pushing Hands by Ding Deshui 2DVDs

Practicing Tai Chi fist alone is to comprehend oneself, which is the foundation; Pushing hands is the function of Tai Chi Fist, to comprehend the opponent. It combines foundation and function, which is the indispensable part of Tai Chi Fist. The attacking and defending techniques in Pushing Hands are the essence and soul of Tai Chi Fist. The philosophy of Tai Chi reveals in its sticking and following, bending and clinging, dodging and moving, softening the opponent and attacking hard. People of all ages and both sexes can practice Tai Chi Pushing Hands anywhere without any equipments, as long as you find a copracticer, so it's a very convenient body building sport for exercise.

Lecturer: Ding Deshui
Format: DVD
Language Speaking: Chinese
Subtitle: English/Chinese
