sera Vipachips Nature is the staple food consisting of quickly sinking chips without dyes and preservatives for all fish eating at the bottom. It contains insect meal as a high quality protein source which is also resource saving. The balanced composition with natural ingredients and prebiotics allows for a nutrition particularly close to nature that supports healthy growth and strong development. The quickly sinking chips keep their shape for a long time and thus optimally fulfill the feeding habits of bottom fish without polluting the water.

Recommendation for feeding of sera Vipachips Nature:
Feed sparingly once to twice a day, depending on the stock of fish and as much as the fish can consume within a few minutes.

fish meal, wheat flour, corn starch, wheat germ, Hermetia (4%), brewers yeast, whole egg powder, fish oil (containing 49% omega fatty acids), milk powder, mannan oligosaccharides, herbs, alfalfa, stinging nettle, green-lipped mussel, parsley, sea algae, paprika, spirulina, spinach, carrots, Haematococcus algae, garlic

Small bag: 500ml (160g) €10
Large bag: 1500ml (480g) €25