PA150 LM3886 pcb with all components to complete now with Jantzen input capacitor.
IC's are new and are not applied on the pcb,like main capacitors,power connectors and SMD output resistors
the other components are already assembled, with genuine components,like on the second picture.
Machined Heatsink with the machined copper hardware and ceramic pads can be supplied the cost is 68€,
It is available for purchase in another listing.
DRV134 and gold plated pcb can be supplied if requested cost is 16€
I have also power supply pcb's for who want one model the power supply can be used for powers up to 400watt
and the other for powers up to 800watt, power supply partial assembled as example.
More than one set available
Tracked shipment to European union
Skematics sended together with articles.