Mount Everest, Freazing Atlantic Oceans and Himalayan peaks are but notches on Bear Grylls'

accomplished survival belt. Armed with British SAS training and an extreme adventurer's spirit, Bear ventures into popular adventure holiday destinations in Northern Africa and navigates his way back to civilisation from the vast oasis of the Sahara, proving his mettle as a desert Survivor.


Bear Grylls parachutes into the hottest place on earth to tackle extreme survival challenges. On his journey he demonstrates how to get out alive from the towering dunes of the Sahara desert; use your urine to avoid dehydration and eat the feared camel spider.


A camel train takes Bear to the deadly desolation of the salt pans where there's no food and

no water but plenty of mirages to trick the mind.

But his biggest test is skinning and disemboweling a dead camel to get water from its rumen, food from the carcass and use it as a shelter for the night.


Mount Everest, Freezing Atlantic Oceans and Mimalayan peaks are but notches on Bea

accomplished survival belt. Armed with British SAS training and an extreme adver

spirit, Bear ventures into popular adventure holiday destinations in Central Amer

navigates his way back to civilisation from Belize and the Costa Rican Rainforest.


Dropped at the top of a 700ft waterfall. Bear's first task is to descend the treacherous

rocks below. In the jungle he comes face to face

with a 9ft boa constrictor; feasts on creepy

crawlies and vine-swings into a huge limestone

cavern only to find himself trapped by the swollen waters of an underground river.


Bear Grylls draws upon all his experience as a

soldier, mountaineer and adventurer

to survive the dangers of the Costa Rican Rainforest. But climbing up 100ft trees, down

120ft waterfalls, through mangrove swamps - all

while facing snakes and sweltering humidity - is all in a days work for the survival expert.