After the dot-com bubble burst, Dan Porter is taid off from his job and must decide what is truly important. His wife of twenty years, Jackie, beautiful and successful managing director at a clothing designer shop, no longer connects with him. His teenagers, Josh, Nina, and Millie, are distant and confusing. Jackie is tempted by the attentions of a younger man at her office, and thanks to an opportunity suggested by a magazine article, Dan finds himself contemplating a drastic change in his life.

A RISK WORTH TAKING is an insightful, thought provoking novel of a man who has to discover the real meaning of his work and marriage - and even of his very existence.


Liz Dewhurst has witnessed quite a bit in her thirty-seven years: the birth of her son, the death of her mother, the waxing and waning days on the farm where she was raised... the sight of her husband in another woman's arms. Suddenly, she's feeling worn down and used up by the very lifestyle upon which she once thrived. Bitterness at her broken marriage has distanced her from her son, Alex - even as she's poured all her remaining energy into battling the development company that wants to purchase her family's land to build a golf course.

Now Liz must confront a few things, including the fate of her farm, her feelings for her ex-husband, and a trip to Spain that rekindles a fire in her she had forgotten existed. The Liz who returns to Balmuir is a different woman. Now, in the wake of a near-tragedy, she must draw on her newfound strength to make a difficult choice. To look at her life in a

different way, standing tall and... starting over.