The Bean™ New Shape. New You.

The Bean is an all-in-one workout tool that helps you tone up and slim down like no other product on the market. Using a patented air suspension ergonomic design The Bean makes exercise easy, fun and pain free. Whether you're a well conditioned athlete or someone just getting back into shape, The Bean delivers a workout that's right for you. This DVD contains six individual workouts.

1. Ab & Core Workout

This program is perfect for anyone who wants a flatter stomach, stronger core and a trimmer waistline in just a matter of weeks.

2. Total Body Workout

Join the Bean trainers for a fast paced strength training program that effectively works your abs, legs, chest, arms, shoulders and back.

3. Pilates Workout

Whether you're new to Pilates or have been doing it for years, you'll love how The Bean lifts you up off the floor for a superior core workout.

4. Bun & Thigh Workout

Follow along and let The Bean tone and tighten your buns and thighs with a series of high intensity lunges, squats and leg lifts.

5. Back Strengthening & Relief

This two-part program guides you step-by-step through a series of stretches and exercises that will provide soothing back pain relief while strengthening your back at the same time.

6. Stress Buster Program

In just minutes, you'll enjoy instant stress relief as the Bean trainers guide you through a series of Bean stretches designed to relax your body and energize your spirits.