This Father Christmas ornament has him dressed in a long colonial blue full-length coat with off white trim on his cuffs, down the front center of the coat and around the hem. He has a tan-brown bag over his left shoulder with a dark brown teddy-bear and Santa doll tucked in the top. Also, over his shoulder is a reddish-brown pouch with 1991 printed on the flap. In Father Christmas's right hand at waist height, he holds an old fashion lantern that has gold colored top and base and flickers when the ornament is powered with a Christmas tree light string. In his left hand he holds a small evergreen tree. Father Christmas has shoulder length white hair, mid-chest white wavy beard and long curled mustache that flows into his beard. With blue eyes and rosy cheeks this F.C. has a classic look.

This is a 30+ year old ornament and instructions should be followed. Instructions are included in the box and also printed on the back of the box.

Ornament plugs easily into any of the light bulb sockets on a miniature tree light string.

Use only with standard U.L. – listed light strings of 3.5 – or 6-volt bulbs.