Clinical Naturopathy: In Practice applies the research, principles and treatment protocols outlined in Clinical Naturopathy: An Evidence-Based Guide to Practice, 2nd Edition.
Written by a team of world-leading naturopathic practitioners and academics, Clinical Naturopathy: In Practice demonstrates the clinical decision-making processes in treating common conditions. It shares the clinical experiences of the expert authors, provides a gold-standard, integrative approach to real-world cases, and will guide you to deliver better clinical outcomes for your patients.
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Clinical Naturopathy: In Practice

Product Details

ISBN 9780729542128
Author By Jerome Sarris, ND (ACNM), MHSc HMed (UNE), Adv Dip Acu (ACNM), Dip Nutri (ACNM), PhD (UQ) and Jon Wardle, ND (ACNM), MPH, PhD (UQ)
Pub Date 2017-07-27