New edition of a title in the popular Midwifery Essentials series originally published in conjunction with The Practising Midwife journal. The series covers core topics in midwifery education in an engaging and friendly format using a helpful ‘jigsaw’ approach which encourages readers to explore topics from a variety of perspectives e.g. effective communication, team working and health promotion. Helpful ‘scenarios’ throughout each volume encourage debate and reflection, core elements of midwifery education.

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Midwifery Essentials: Labour

Product Details

ISBN 9780702070990
Author By Helen Baston, BA(Hons), MMedSci, PhD, PGDipEd, ADM, RN, RM and Jennifer Hall, EdD MSc RN RM ADM PGDip(HE) SFHEA FRCM
Pub Date 2017-06-26