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Chen Style Tai chi Collection Series

by Chen Xiaowang 27DVDs


Chen Style Tai Chi Collection Series - Old Frame Taijiquan - Chen Xiaowang 4DVDs

For several hundred years, Chen-Style TaiChi is deeply obsessed by many peeople for its health preversation sake. The Internal exercises handed down from Chen's ancestors are placed great attention by TaiChi master of one generation afer another. It is of key importance in TaiChi. These exercise help the player take in Qi to cultivate his vitality in the body and reserve it at DanTian, and then change it into spirit, that is, from TaiChi to WuChi(unlimit), which is the ultimate good of TaiChi.

Laojia (Old Frame) is the older of the two main long forms of the Chen Style of Taijiquan. This is the form which Yang Luchan learned from Chen Changxing and which he later adapted to make the Yang style of Taijiquan. Here the 75 movements of Laojia are demonstrated in great detail. The form is divided into four sections.

Lecturer: Chen XiaoWang
Format: 4DVDs
Language Speaking: Chinese
Subtitle: English or Chinese selectable

Grandmaster Chen Xiao Wang (Xiaowang)

Grandmaster Chen Xiao Wang, male, born in the original place of Tai Chi - Chen village in China, he is the 19 th generation Chen style Grandmaster of the Chen family’s Tai Chi Chuan heritage. He is a direct descendant of the legendary creator of Tai Chi, General Chen Wangting and one of "the World Best Chen Tai Chi Grandmaster"

He is very skillful in Tai Chi Kungfu and has original view on training and actual combat technique.

He began his training at the age of six years old studying Tai Chi from his Father, and then later from his Uncles, who were all famous Tai Chi Grandmasters.

He has practiced Tai Chi for more than fifty years, and is considered a ‘Living Treasure’ by the Chinese government. He has numerous Gold Medals that he won as a young man competing in martial art tournaments throughout China. His character and gentle approach to teaching Tai Chi has won him literally tens of thousands of faithful Tai Chi students all over the world.

Grandmaster Chen Xiao Wang has been produced a series of dvd on Chen Style Tai Chi recently and it is available to buy in China.

Routine 1(83 postures) of New Frame(XinJia): it belongs to Chen WangTing's descender Chen ChangXin Traditional Old Routine Series, which is created by the 17th forefathers Chen Fake master. It has the characteristics of board and big posture, deep and steady. The posture mainly applied four basic hand method of "Warding off, Rooling back, Pressing and Pushing", and the four basic hand method of "sizing, blocking, elbowing, pushing" as assistance. Routine 1 of New Frame composed of 83 movements divided into four sections.

Instruction from this DVD are easy to follow by famous Tai Chi master Chen XiaoWang. And those exercise are good for chronic diseases such as neurasthenic, high blood pressure, heart disease, dyspepsia, arthritis.
