Wudang Songxi Style Secret Wushu routines - Short Fist Boxing by Zhang Jiali DVD

Wudang Songxi Style Secret Wushu routines - Short Fist Boxing by Zhang Jiali DVD

"Wudang Bunt boxing" is an old internal school of boxing with a long history that was recorded in the " New Book" written by Qi Jiguang duting the Ming Dynasty. Many movements can be corroborated in "New Book - Thirty - Two Movements of Boxing ". Wudang bunt boxing' movements are simple and unadorned. The combinations of yielding and attack are connected by movement that flow into one another and are interlocked. Each movement can be used as a great way of attacking and defending.

Lecturer: Zhang Jiali
Format: DVD
Language Speaking: Chinese
Subtitle: English/Chinese
