Traditional Shaolin Kungfu Series - Shao Lin Xiao Hong Quan by Shi Deyang 2DVDs


The Original Boxing Tree of Traditional Shaolin Kung fu Xiao Hong Quan by Shi Deyang 2DVDs

This routine, also called the Mother of 18 Boxing, is basic and compulsory for Shaolin Kungfu beginners. Its stance includes closing step, horse step, arch step, squat step and empty step, which are common in other boxing styles. Hand forms are palm, fist and grasp in five flowers. Its hand techniques include push, snatch, chop, block upper cut and so on. Fist techniques are punch, chop, raise, smash, side push. And the foot stamps, pokes, and hooks. You may kick, spring and jump or turn round suddenly or shrink back. You stare, peep or glance sidelong. These techniques are used practically to self-defense or attack. They are made in quick small and forceful movements on one straight line, which characterizes Shaolin Kungfu.

Lecturer: Shi Deyang
Format: 2DVDs
Language Speaking: Chinese
Subtitle: English/Chinese/French/Spanish selectable
