The first demo was released using the original spelling of the band name: "Þeuðo". Because of the difficulties many people seemed to have interpreting the "þ" and "ð", subsequent releases featured the alternative spelling "Theudho".

The band's name is the reconstructed Proto-Germanic word for "people" or "nation", itself an abstraction of the Proto-Indo-European root teuh₂∙ "to grow, swell, flourish".

Before becoming an active live band, Theudho did some tryout gigs with the original line-up under different band names such as "Wuotanes Her" and "Frozen Seas".

In 2016, Theudho returned to being a one-man band.

I        Waar Kraaien De Ondergang Bezingen
II        De Roep Van Het Woud
III        De Alvenberg
IV        De Eik Van Hakiloheim
V        Op De Heilige Ring Gezworen
VI        Saksenslacht
VII        Slangentongen
VIII        Wolfstijd
XI        Het Moeraslicht*
X        In De Schaduw Van De Zwarte Banier*

Track 9 (IX) is misprinted as "XI" on the rear traycard.

Tracks 9 (XI) & 10 (X) are CD ONLY bonus tracks.

Released August 2018 between 4 labels across the world:
Heidens Hart (EUROPA)
WolTyr Productions (USA)
Aurora Australis (AUSTRALIA)
Avondland (BELGIUM)

Recorded and mixed at Þrúðvangr, Flanders/Belgium, March-July 2017.
Mastered at Unisound, December 2017.

Ancient Rites, Bathory, Falkenbach, Heidevolk, Taunusheim, Forefather, Hel, Enslaved, Graveland, Mithotyn