In epistolas Apostoli Pauli, ad Galatas & Ephesios, Commentarii: by Wolfgang Musculus. Basil: Heruagiana,  1569.  [8], 228, 173, [31] pages.   [BOUND WITH]  In Divi Pauli Epistolas ad Philippensses, Colossensses, Thessalonicensses ambas, & primam ad Timotheum,  commentarii. by Wolfgang Musculus. Basil: Heruagiana, 1565. [10], 406, [36] pages. Bound in period vellum. Tilte neatly written on spine. Printer's device at last leaf of each title.

Wolfgang Musculus (1497-1563) was an important Reformed theologian.

Good condition: wear and tear to vellum at corners and edges, first several leaves ragged along fore edges, last 5 leaves of index of second title are repaired with significant loss to text.
