Provide effective treatment of pet rabbits with this practical, evidence-based resource! Textbook of Rabbit Medicine, 3rd Edition provides authoritative coverage of the health and diseases of the domestic rabbit. Chapters follow a logical progression from basic rabbit science to clinical pathology, therapeutics, anesthesia, diseases and disorders by body system, and surgery. This edition is updated with the latest advances and techniques, and includes practical advice on topics such as vaccination, neutering and reproductive control, and behavior problems. Written by exotics specialist Molly Varga Smith, and drawing from clinical information from around the world, this book is a truly global resource in veterinary medicine.

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Textbook of Rabbit Medicine

Product Details

ISBN 9780702084034
Author By Molly Varga Smith, BVetMed, CertZooMed, DZooMed (Mammalian), MRCVS
Pub Date 2022-08-30