Own production - freshly ground malt is poured into the package on the day of the order
      Top quality white rye malt - unfermented

1 PC. x 200g / 7oz  Rye white malt. Special for bakers
The packaging has a lock-latch for reusable use and long-term storage of the product.

      Unfermented rye malt is made from germinated rye grain. It is a pure natural product without any additives, dyes and improvers.

Dough with the addition of white malt ferments faster, increases the gas-forming ability and extensibility of the dough. The crumb becomes looser and the finished bread is larger in volume than bread without malt. The crust of bread during baking becomes more ruddy.

The product is fresh and the expiration date is always up to date, the expiration date is indicated on the packaging EXP 1/2025


Delivery time may vary, but usually does not exceed: USA - 12-21 days

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