$3 -  choose 1 in list:
Pidgeot, Diggersby, Toxapex, Munchlax, Vigoroth, Togedemaru, Cradily, Noctowl, Swampert, Pachirisu, Abomasnow, Cradily, Mantine, Miltank, Lanturn, Magnezone, Quagsire , Tropius, Galvantula, Pelipper, Emolga, Lurantis, Beedrill, Obstagoon, Stunfisk, Dunsparce, Roserade, Ferrothorn, Quagsire, Charizard, Whiscash, Blaziken, Venusaur, Jumpluff, Chesnaught, Dewgong, Trevenant, 

$6 -  choose 1 in list with 2nd move charged:
Pidgeot, Diggersby, Toxapex, Munchlax, Vigoroth, Togedemaru, Cradily, Noctowl, Swampert, Pachirisu, Abomasnow, Cradily, Mantine, Miltank, Lanturn, Magnezone, Quagsire , Tropius, Galvantula, Pelipper, Emolga, Lurantis, Beedrill, Obstagoon, Stunfisk, Dunsparce, Roserade, Ferrothorn, Quagsire, Charizard, Whiscash, Blaziken, Venusaur, Jumpluff, Chesnaught, Dewgong, Trevenant, 

$9 -  choose 1 in list with 2nd move charged + choose fast attack and charged attack for that pokemon:
Pidgeot, Diggersby, Toxapex, Munchlax, Vigoroth, Togedemaru, Cradily, Noctowl, Swampert, Pachirisu, Abomasnow, Cradily, Mantine, Miltank, Lanturn, Magnezone, Quagsire , Tropius, Galvantula, Pelipper, Emolga, Lurantis, Beedrill, Obstagoon, Stunfisk, Dunsparce, Roserade, Ferrothorn, Quagsire, Charizard, Whiscash, Blaziken, Venusaur, Jumpluff, Chesnaught, Dewgong, Trevenant,