Coal grain microphones for sale, handmade in Norway.

Many musicians and technicians have discovered "the dinosaurs of the microphones"; the coal grain microphones.

These microphones were the first and simplest types of microphones, and the sound is accordingly. The first telephones used these, as well as the radio broadcasts around WW2.

The microphone I am selling here is based on a handset from an old telephone from the Norwegian Telegraph Agency, and it has been given an XLR cable, so that it can be connected to a mixing desk/sound card etc. Carbon grain microphones needs voltage to function, and this is ready for use on equipment that supplies phantom power.

It is an excellent supplement to the good high-quality studio microphones to get a rough sound image when the other microphones sound too nice.
The area of use is primarily for studio-recordings, and it is well suited for e.g. vocals, guitar, drums and harmonica...