The Seducer : A Novel by Jan Kjaerstad (2006, Overlook Press, Hardcover). Former library book, but appears to have been rarely checked out. Orders normally ship within 24 hours. See my listings for the other two books in the Kjaerstad trilogy: The Conqueror and The Discoverer. I will refund part of the shipping cost if you order these or other books from me.

Jonas Wergeland, a successful TV documentary producer returns one evening from the World's Fair in Seville to find his wife dead on the living room floor. What follows is a quest to find the killer, encompassing by turns a picaresque and endlessly inventive look at the conditions that have brought Wergeland to this critical juncture in life. From his hair's breadth escape from a ravenous polar bear while filming in Greenland to a near-death experience aboard a passenger ferry in the icy Baltic, the Tom Jones-like experiences that comprise the narrative of Wergeland's life are relayed in Kjaerstad's veneered and acutely observant prose -- and make up a fascinating portrait of a media icon at the crux of his journey as an artist.
An international bestseller and winner of Scandinavia's top literary award, the Nordic Prize, The Seducer is a suspenseful and endlessly provocative novel that continually thwarts readers' expectations and rewards them with a uniquely enriching reading experience.