This super cool old handmade caddy is in durable shape and suitable for heavy use. it measures 12 1/8" x 11" and is 4 1/8" tall. Each panel is made of an old crate and most has evidence of it. 2 x sides have red lettering that reads: OCEANA BRAND ECTED CARE ROCK LOBSTER TAILS PRODCE OF THE UNION OF SOUTH AFRICA 20 LBS NET WEIGHT.  1 end has black lettering on the inside that reads: ES B&G / H 2 GALLON.  The last outer panel has remnants of a label from Thompson Seedless Grapes.  There is a light layer of varnish on this piece for preservation.  It has a handle in the center that is flush with the top for easy stacking.  See calculator to ship this great 1-of-a-kind find.