Reef Crystals®, an enriched sea salt mixture, contains a supplementary dose of calcium, vitamins and selected trace elements

Now supplied in handy 2kg plastic pouches (Bags) in either 4kg, 8kg 20kg or 40kg Boxes

• Developed for use in refined reef tanks, it was the first enriched sea salt formulation available to amateurs

• The introduction of important compounds at higher concentrations than in natural seawater ensures longer availability of the substances assimilated and quickly used up in a flourishing reef aquarium

• A special additive helps to eliminate surplus heavy metals, like copper, which are often found at excessive levels in flourishing reef aquariums. Each batch is analysed to guarantee its composition and uniformity

• Reef Crystals sea salt is the first formulation of enriched sea water to contain the additional benefit of elements important to Reef aquarium enthusiasts

• 20 kgs prepares 600 litres of marine water


• Additional calcium that enables Reef organisms to form their shells or skeletal structures
• Additional trace elements that provide additional important nutritional elements
• Additional vitamins that promote the optimal growth and survival of corals, anemones, algae, etc.
• A neutraliser that eradicates the dangers presented by the heavy metals in the domestic water supply
• Reef Crystals represents a significant improvement in the field of aquarium maintenance
• Fully compatible with all salt water aquariums, it presents no danger to animals which are not specifically Reef-dwelling
• Supplied in an Eco Box containing separate 2 kg pouches to keep the salt dry and fresh

• Temperature: 25 Deg C
• Specific Gravity: 1024
• Calcium: 450 mg/l
• Magnesium: 1300 mg/l
• KH: 9 Deg dH