As per eBay's policies, you are purchasing a piece of jewelry or other physical novelty, and I cannot make any guarantees as to any paranormal experiences. Anything regarded as "paranormal" is strictly for entertainment purposes only. I should also note that during these troubling times, please take care of yourself first, and only purchase if you have the funds to do so. If you understand this, then continue...

This is a ring, about size 8. This is a sterling silver ring (NOT plated! Full silver!) with Tanzanite. 
This is an estate piece from my friend's grandma. I have two of these style rings available, but this listing is for 1 ring each.


What does this piece "do", metaphysically-speaking?
  • Most of my pendants/other objects are meant to ward negativity/evil spirits, or do things like eat up bad vibes/dreams.
  • I do not do custom spells for this reason- I know what I am the best at, and there's a difference between "ward negativity" and "attract good luck". My magic is best at warding and destroying energies commonly deemed to have a negative effect on normal people.
  • This is also a general piece meant for preemptive measures, such as if you feel as though you're going to walk into somewhere haunted and want to help avoid things following you home. If you are actively being haunted or otherwise harassed by a paranormal entity, I would suggest contacting someone for a banishing/exorcism/etc.
  • You could also use this as a spirit vessel, or any other vessel for other spells, if you wanted. Just cleanse, bless, or do any other proper preparation as per your tradition.

What will I receive? Is there anything in specific I need to do?
  • You will receive whatever piece has been listed, along with a small, simple tea light candle.
  • This is not required, but it is recommended: When you receive the items, take a moment to light the tea candle and hold your new piece, focusing on it. No specific words are necessary, but either mentally or verbally recite any sort of prayer that comes to mind in relation to it, or even just vague intent. Introduce yourself, if you must. The piece will recognize you as its new owner and be bound to you.
How do I take care of it?
  • FIRST OFF- Unless stated otherwise in the listing, to "recharge" it, I do not recommend placing it into direct sunlight. This can wash out the hues of the gemstones or any other colors involved.
  • Recommended ways of cleansing/recharging: Leaving it out under moonlight, using a smoke cleanse, placing it near salt, or if you have any sort of specialty tray/box made specifically for charging spelled items, feel free to use that.

Why are you suddenly selling all of these?
  • Well, I used to just give them to friends, family, and whoever needs them- but now I need the money, and I need to de-clutter, so I will be releasing my "hoard" of protective items to the public. The prices are relatively cheap in comparison to what they're worth (in my opinion, anyway), because I don't believe in overcharging for protective amulets. Also, with regards to the rings: Some of them I used to wear all the time, but they don't fit me anymore.

Who are you?
  • Good question! I would prefer to not list too much of my personal info on the internet, so forgive me if this is a little vague, but I'm a mixed Asian and Indigenous witch who has been working with spellwork for about 10 years. In terms of dealing with entities, such as performing cleansings and exorcisms specifically- I have been working with all that for about 8 years. You may call me Niyebe, if you'd like.
  • Most of my spellwork is somewhat original, figuring out what works and what doesn't and deconstructing magic and how/why certain components work, rather than relying solely on old scripts and "cheat sheets".