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B3 Basswood Carving Kuksa Blank BeaverCraft 

Do you want to unleash your creativity and carve a one-of-a-kind kuksa but struggle to find the ideal wood block for your masterpiece? Get your hand on this B3 Basswood Carving Kuksa Blank by BeaverCraft – the perfect solution for your carving aspirations!

Carved from high-quality basswood, this blank boasts an impeccable surface, free from any knots, cracks, or imperfections. Its pristine composition makes it an ideal choice for wood carving enthusiasts, providing a smooth and uniform texture that invites the touch of your tools. With its creamy alluring hue, this blank showcases the natural beauty of basswood, captivating the eye and kindling your creativity.

Perfect for beginners and skilled carvers alike, the B3 Basswood Kuksa Carving Blank adapts to your skill level. Whether you're starting your wood carving journey or honing your expertise, this versatile blank empowers you to bring your vision to life.

This wooden blank is a real joy to carve, but it also serves as a multi-purpose and durable wooden mug. Take it on your hiking trips and embrace the beauty of nature while sipping from your hand-carved kuksa. Its sturdy construction ensures longevity, while its timeless charm adds a touch of rustic elegance to your journeys.

From its exceptional craftsmanship to its timeless appeal, the B3 Basswood Kuksa Carving Blank offers unlimited artistic possibilities. Create a personalized masterpiece or give it as a cherished gift. Embrace the art of wood carving and let your imagination flourish with this exquisite and functional blank.

Dimensions of the blank:

-Total length – 135 mm (5.31 inches)

-Blank thickness – 54 mm (2.12 inches)

-Blank width – 77 mm (3.03 inches)

-Material – Basswood

Average shipping time

USA: 25-30 DAYS
U.K.: 20-30 DAYS