The sale here includes- Original Mix Media Art 2020 collection by Ali Sabet titled My Iran 1 & 2.

The Medium-  A 1/1 painting was created in 2019 and timestamped on Social media, November 19, 2019. The Mixed Media style is drawn on a digital pad, printed onto two 13" x 19" canvas', watercolor and ink strokes are brushed and marked, then signed on both sides. Sabet has signed the backside of My Iran 2 with healing codes, as seen on his healing code collection in future release. The painting was kept in original sealed plastic, dry dark space, and unframed. The 2 paintings combined would estimate a 13" x 26" size with some overlap. It was released and sold in an early 2020 collection. A instagram post with a timestamp can be seen with a date and description of the release. 

The Gallery- Showcase this art in your gallery, office space, home and be amazed with all the different responses you will get from people. No 2 people will give the same translation. There are so many hidden details that can put together many stories. Translating this art will give you some insight about the persons level of attention to detail, historical beliefs, commercial, political, social views, science and spiritual beliefs, global events. 

The Artist-  Ali Sabet is originally from Iran and grew up in Southern California with decades of experience as Director of Brand Creation and marketing. Around the year 2016 is when Sabet transitioned from creating influential brands to becoming a full time artist where he could freely express creativity backed by Love from the universal source.  Sabet showcased his early works in Tokyo Japan, in which some of his deep black ink brushstroke flow had traditional influences from. In 2021 Sabet transitioned to the NFT space and became one of the top 5 artists with new releases in the blockchain. Along his journey Sabet has collaborations with brands like Rezvani, Mont Blanc, Vodka, Bored ape BAVC, Thayers Natural. Some works were showcased with Tesla, Lincoln Motors, large building murals in Socal, billboards in NYC Times Square, Saachi art gallery still has some of his original works from 2016. Rezvani is an emerging company out of Socal specializing in luxury armored vehicles.

Link to Podcast of Sabet describing predictive art

Timeline Events- 

During the creation of this painting Iran had a escalation of political chaos with censorship and control. It image created was thought to be based on a soon hope of national freedom, originally sparked by women's rights. Many translations can take place between division of 2 part painting, oppression from the right while controlled on the left.  This can be seen with the monster dangling an object in hand, while the faceless person is reaching out to grab it. On the right side you can see few people with a crown symbol above the eye and also on the spiked creature. In latin, the crown translates to corona. The meaning of corona can mean illuminate or illuminati. Those suffering appears to have a tube coming out of lungs or ladder reaching out, faceless without emotion, and some type of mark on body. The white entity in middle can be translated into many thoughts supporting or opposing factors. Many other translations can be made based on your perspective on life. 

About 2 weeks after the original release, the news media reported the first infected person with Corona in China. It wasn't till about February 2020 the translation of painting shifted in thought of Covid. All the viewpoints changed now in support of the spiked creature being the spiked virus. The control vs freedom action was not yet understood at the early stage of pandemic, as many thought it was a natural occurrence from nature. By changing the topic, you can now see a whole different picture as time progresses. It wasn't until 2021 the vaccines rolled out. The symbolism of arrow mark can be seen with a resemblance. Those who look infected now may have a ventilator tube out of lungs and faceless expression. There is one distinctive figure with prominent nose, chip feature on forehead, and crown symbol on eye looking directly at the spiked creature, as in control. The white shadow in middle is another unknown character in this view in support or opposition. Many other translations can be made with fine details. 

In 2023 the Maui fires broke out. If you shift the perspective based on the creature being a fire, the whole painting shifts again. Those with tubes out of lungs may have breathing issues from smoke. The fire that caused destruction is dangling the carrot, or cash, in which the people are trying to obtain from losses. Those that were affected are faceless losing emotion with some propaganda injected to them. The crowned figures on the right appear to be in control and guiding the situation. 

In 2024 the world is on brink of WW3 and the whole painting can shift again with conflicts between the 5 eyes and BRICS for global control. Many new translations are developing to be made. The best researchers will intake a wide perspective of all information and over time see the commonality, differences, and reoccurring values taking into play. 

If we take a look at some of the most valuable paintings today, there are hidden histories with meaning behind the painting (mass population unaware of) which collectors pay a high price for. There are things that took place kept hidden from what actually took place.   Some experts may claim highly influential artists or people recorded in our history were connected to the holy trinity (this definition translation can vary based on location but refer to similar power), described as an intellectual network beyond the physical matter, to gain a wider base perception. 

As time progresses, there are more and more details that stand out from this painting. There are many hidden truths of our society today.  Many things in our modern society does not make sense due to this destruction for profit behavior that is hidden behind this crown. With progression and revelation, I believe this painting has the potential to be the likes of Picasso from our generation.  The value of this painting will be determined by the next owner's marketing influence. 

Please inquire of best hand delivered shipping method to your location or pickup will be in Hawaii.