
Hanan Peruvian Secrets

Horstail Herbs (Cola de Caballo)

Net weight: 40g / 1.4 oz.

HACCP certified,

GMP certified,  GSP certified

100%  Natural

Horse tail is a highly  versatile plant from the Andean mountain regions.  This exotic  herbal  infusion  has been uses by our ancestors  to naturally  support  normal  kidney and urinary tract function.

Suggest use: (approx. 4 cups)

To obtain the optimal benefits of this Horse Tail, add 10g (1/4) of package to a liter of boiling  water for approximately  3 to 5 minutes. Let stand, strain and serve one cup either hot or cold, preferably  before meals. Honey and or lemon may be added for taste.

This is not a medicine:

*These statements  have not been evaluated  by the Food  and Drug Administration.  This product is not intended  to diagnose,  treat, cure or prevent  any disease.