Dad's Farm Wood Vinegar, also known as pyroligneous acid, is used as a fertilizer in agriculture due to its high acetic acid content and other beneficial properties. Acetic acid is known to improve soil quality, increase the availability of nutrients for plants, and enhance plant growth. Additionally, wood vinegar contains other organic acids, minerals, and trace elements that are beneficial for plant growth, including potassium, magnesium, calcium, and phosphorus. 

The antimicrobial properties of wood vinegar also make it an effective natural pest control agent, as it can help to reduce populations of harmful bacteria, fungi, and insects that can damage crops. When used as a fertilizer, wood vinegar is usually diluted with water before being applied to the soil, and the concentration of the solution depends on the specific crop and growing conditions. 

Overall  Dad's Farm Wood Vinegar is considered a natural, sustainable alternative to traditional chemical fertilizers, and its use is growing in popularity among farmers and gardeners looking for environmentally-friendly ways to improve crop yields and soil quality.