Ring 5 Row Yantra Talisman size 10 Power Magic Protect Health Wealth Thai Amulet Size 10

Product Introduction :

Enhance your luck even further It's an auspicious ring that brings good luck.
18k stainless steel work, does not peel or blacken, engraved with five rows of yantra spells around the circle.

Suitable for every zodiac year, every zodiac sign, every birthday.
Suitable for all careers, full-time jobs, employee jobs.
Suitable for people who have a storefront, sell online, or do business.
Can be worn by both men and women. Or hang it on a necklace.
Carry it with you, carry it in your bag, enhance your feng shui and improve your luck.
Quality gold-plated work, no peeling, no rust.

Product Description : 
Condition : New
Amulet Name : Ring 5 Row Yantra Talisman 
Material : Titanium Steel
Size :  US Size 10 /  Diameter 20 mm.
Quatity : 1 Pcs.

The meaning of the five-row yantra is : 

Row 1 will help with Feng Shui problems for residences, Sam Phaeng roads, dead end alleys, matching doors.
The 2nd row will support your fortune, such as correcting a falling fortune, a red fortune, Venus entering and inserting Saturn.
The 3rd row protects against people who let things go, is enchanted, protects against female ghosts, and prevents bad things.
Row 4 is the row of luck and success. No matter what we do, it helps to be successful.
  The 5th row is the row of popular charm. Especially when it comes to trading, it is very successful. Negotiation was successful.