25 Delphinium Guinevere Seeds - Pacific Giant

A member of the Pacific Giants group, Guinevere makes a dramatic impression
with statuesque spires of rosy-lilac flowers with white centres. 

Growing 5 to 6.5 feet tall, these make an impressive display year after year.

Direct sow in early Spring or Fall for blooms the next year.

Removing faded spikes at the base will encourage repeat blooming in the Fall.

Requires cool temperatures for germination and prefers milder climates 
and likes full sun to partial shade. 

To maximise germination, cold treated (stratified) seeds do best prior to sowing.
Place sealed seed packet in refrigerator or cold room for 7 to 14 days. 

When sowing, average temperatures of 12C is best.

Surface sow from February to June on fine, free draining compost & 
very lightly covered with a fine sprinkling of compost. 

Exclude light until first seedlings show. 

Transfer when large enough to handle into pots & acclimatize to outdoors
until after all risk of frost has passed. 

This variety may flower in 1st year with a main display from 2nd year onwards. 

Slower to germinate 15 to 30 days

Maturity 130 days

Can be planted in after risk of frost Spring and several weeks before frost in the Autumn.

**All parts of the plant and seeds are poisonous if ingested

We ship to the UK including Northern Ireland
Honeyvale Farm