Zip hoodie looks like a Creeper.
The hoodie has a zipper that goes all the way to the top of the hood with black, breathable mesh openings for the eyes and mouth.




 Suggest Height

 Suggest Age


 19" / 48cm

28" / 72cm

for kids 45"-49" / 115cm-125cm

4-6 Years


20" / 51cm

 30" / 76cm

for kids 49"-53" / 125cm-135cm

6-8 Years


 21" / 55cm

 31" / 80cm

for kids 53"-57" / 135cm-145cm

 8-10 Years


 23" / 59cm

33" / 84cm

for kids 57"-61" / 145cm-155cm

 10-12 Years


 25" / 63cm

35" / 88cm

for kids 61"-65" / 155cm-165cm

12-14 Years