Tales of the Mysterious Traveler 38
Winter 2023/24, 48 pages plus covers
Black & white and color
Brand new comic published by Robin Snyder
Steve Ditko, Robert Kanigher, Gary Kato, NIeto, Rudy Palais, Robin Snyder, more

10% of this item’s sale will be used to promote rationality, individual rights, and the moral basis of a free, non-coercive, racism-free and fascism-free society (and its resulting economic prosperity for the general populace) by helping to promote the philosophy of Ayn Rand.

Tales of the Mysterious Traveler #38
Published Winter 2023/24. Includes:
-- 1950s Charlton story by Joe Gill and Steve Ditko in color
-- 1960s Charlton story by Joe Gill and Rudy Palais
-- Essay by Nick Caputo
-- Commentary by Steve Ditko
-- 14-page 1940s hero strip in color
-- Story by Robin Snyder and Rodin Rodriguez
-- Biographical profile of Robert Ripley by Joshua Warren
-- Poem by Robert Louis Stevenson
-- More!

(The above is a Public Service message)