TEKTRONIX 177 Test Fixture 24X2 extender IN KIT FORM

Included is the traced board and edge connector needed to build the extender: 

One 24X2     0.156" pitch   H 8 inches 

Generic extenders.  Not OEM

TO ORDER, MAKE AN OFFER AND TO SEE OTHER ITEMS OFFERED GO TO: https://www.ebay.com/str/sparko6079?_trksid=p2047675.l2563

I can custom make almost any extender board.  With basic information about the extender you need I can program the automated CNC machine I have to produce what you need.  I do not charge extra for customizing a board or set of boards needed to service most radios and test equipment.  With basic information from EBay buyers I produce a set to sell to them through EBay and then offer the same extenders to other buyers on EBay.  If you have an idea for an extender board or extender board set you or others need please contact me so I can make up a design and offer it on EBay. 

Thank you and best regards

John    WA1ESO

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