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Item Details

  • Kiss Find Your Spirit Animal LIMITED EDITION LASHES- Lioness Purple Glitter
  • Quantity: 1
  • Condition: New
  • If measurements are provided, please allow a little size error due to manual measurement
  •  Due to lighting effect and monitors brightness/contrast settings, color tone of the websites photo and actual item could be slightly different 

Returns/ Refunds

  • Returns and Refunds are not accepted, unless stated otherwise 
  • See "Shipping and Payment" tab

Estimate Delivery Date

The estimated delivery date is based on the seller's handling time, the shipping service selected, and when the seller receives cleared payment. In certain cases, the estimated delivery date will vary. By knowing the estimated delivery date, you can determine how long it will take to receive your item.

Handling Time

  • Sellers are required to specify how long they will take to package and ship the item after receiving cleared payment. Sellers may select a handling time between same business day and 30 business days. 
  • See "Shipping and Payment" tab for details

Shipping Services

  • Some shipping services provide an estimate for the number of days that it will take the carrier to deliver the item to the buyer. This transit time does not include the seller's handling time. Transit time includes normal weekdays. Often Saturdays, Sundays, and major holidays are not included in transit time estimates.
  • Shipping will be handled on business days only, Monday - Friday, this does not include public holidays and weekends
  • Discounts/ Combine Shipping are offered when you purchase two or more eligible items, add all items to cart then pay
  • Shipping cost is based on the weight, size of package, your location and type of shipping 

Cleared Payment

A payment is considered "cleared" after your payment has been deposited into the seller's account. If you pay using PayPal, the payment may clear immediately.