You have completed a world-class neurofeedback didactic course, started your mentoring, and are preparing for BCIA's certification exam. BioSource's professional educators can enhance your review.

Neurofeedback Tutor for Exam Review builds on the excellent instruction provided by your BCIA-accredited neurofeedback didactic course.

Our multimedia tutorial reviews 36 BCIA Neurofeedback Blueprint hours, including  Professional Standards and Ethical Principles. Please note that this product does not replace a BCIA-accredited neurofeedback didactic course.

We have extensively updated content, design, and illustrations to deliver an industry-leading product. Compare instructor credentials, textbook, resources, assessment platform, and price.

BCIA Neurofeedback Blueprint Coverage

We have divided Neurofeedback Tutor for Exam Review into two multimedia tutorials (An Introduction and Assessment and Training) that together cover 36 BCIA Neurofeedback Blueprint hours.

Neurofeedback Tutor: An Introduction covers Orientation to Neurofeedback (4 hours), Basic Neurophysiology and Anatomy (4 hours), Instrumentation and Electronics (4 hours), Research Evidence Base for Neurofeedback (2 hours), Pharmacological Considerations (2 hours), and Ethical and Professional Conduct (2 hours) for 18 didactic hours.

Neurofeedback Tutor: Assessment and Training covers Patient/Client Assessment (4 hours), Developing Treatment Protocols (6 hours), Treatment Implementation (6 hours), and Current Trends in Neurofeedback (2 hours) for 18 didactic hours.

BCIA Continuing Education

This product provides 36 BCIA continuing education hours, including 3 hours of Professional Standards for Neurofeedback.

Retail Value $150