GNI: BCIA Didactic Course - Neurofeedback Bootcamp for Beginners (Instructor Varies)

Whether you’re looking to become familiar with neurofeedback or expand your existing knowledge, this course serves as a guide to navigating basic steps that will improve and enhance your practice. This program not only explores the use of neurofeedback software and equipment, but also brings to light current research and treatment techniques that have ensured positive changes in clients and benefited clinicians worldwide. It is also the only course that introduces database guidance and live Z-score training! Practitioners seeking BCIA certification can also earn up to 36 credit hours if they attend the full course!

This workshop also offers an extra day of optional hands-on training that provides familiarity and experience! This practicum will be held at the end, and can be purchased for an additional fee. Equipment is not required for attendance, as guests may pair up for practice. ($195 for workshop attendees, $250 for non-attendees).

Who is this workshop for?

BCIA Blueprint Areas

Educational Objectives

1. Identify whether a client is suitable for neurofeedback
2. Describe the fundamentals of neurofeedback training
3. Explain how to use a relaxation protocol using neurofeedback specific to the client’s presentation
4. Describe how to run a neurofeedback session with a client
5. Identify how to make necessary adjustments to a neurofeedback protocol that maximize positive outcomes based on the client’s presenting symptoms.
6. Contrast the conditions appropriate for neurofeedback training (i.e., anxiety, stress reduction, attentional difficulties) and when it is not appropriate (i.e., practitioner is unfamiliar with the diagnosis, client is unable to engage in training due to moderate to severe emotional distress)
7. Explain how to construct an ongoing care plan using neurofeedback tailored to the client’s needs
8. Describe various neurofeedback recording devices
9. Summarize the various approaches utilized in conducting neurofeedback
10. Differentiate the levels of scientific research
11. Specify the proper ethics as a neurofeedback provider
12. Identify the proper level of research power in studies
13. Define the various functions of cortical structures
14. Describe examples of the various contemporary methods of neurofeedback and stimulative interventions
15. Define the concept of neuroplasticity
16. Explain the 10-20 International Standard measurement for 19 channel EEG recording
17. Evaluate the various sources of non-cortical artifact
18. Analyze various methods of EEG assessment
19. Apply the steps in conducting a qEEG analysis
20. Describe the various frequency bands and qEEG components (i.e. coherence)
21. Define the Peniston Protocol and its various utilization in Neurofeedback
22. Describe the various similarities and differences in traditional neurofeedback and Z-score and sLoreta neurofeedback
23. Differentiate relevant issues pertaining to scope of practice issues: Instructors include statements that describe the accuracy and utility of the materials presented, the empirical basis of such statements, the limitations of the content being taught, and severe and most common risks.
24. Identify pertinent client rights and standards of care


Retail Value $1245