Wild Orchids Flowers Book of 20 Current First Class Postage Stamps Scott 5444

Product Description
                               Celebrates the beauty of Wild Orchids with stamps of flowers that grow in the United States. The stamp art highlights photos taken by photographer Jim Fowler. Art director Ethel Kessler designed the stamps. Each stamp features a photograph of one of these nine species: Cypripedium californicum, Hexalectris spicata, Cypripedium reginae, Spiranthes odorata, Triphora trianthophoros, Platanthera grandiflora, Cyrtopodium polyphyllum, Calopogon tuberosus, and Platanthera leucophaea. Within the booklet, each stamp design is featured twice. (Forever stamps are always equal in value to the current first-class mail one-ounce rate.)