• One of the easiest foliage houseplants to grow, the Rubber Plant is ideal to fill a low light space in a home. ‘Tineke’ has exciting leaf variegation with the melding of green and white and contrasting overtones of pink in the central leaf veins. ‘Tineke’s multi-colored leaves accent any room that needs a burst of color or plant life. Keep slightly moist and give a period of 3-4 hours a day of filtered light to maintain good plant health.

    Propagating is when you take a section or cutting of a plant to grow a new plant from. It’s a popular way to share plants and double your collection, without having to spend money at the nursery.

Potting a new Cutting

Take a look at your cutting and note how long the stem is before a leaf starts. The main aim in potting your cutting is to get the roots as deep in the soil as possible, as this will help them to not accidentally dry out. But also beware that if any part of a leaf or leaf petiole is touching the soil, it can potentially rot and we don’t want that. So leave any leaf part above the soil.

Fill your pot about 3/4 full with the soil mix, then gently place your cutting on top. Fill in with remaining soil until as much of the stem that needs to be is covered.

Press the soil around the plant to help hold the cutting in place. Depending on your cutting, you may need to use something to help prop the plant up until it can hold itself up.

I also like to water it straight away to keep the roots damp. Water will also help fill any gaps or holes in the soil and hold the cutting in place.