Possibly a German import but almost certainly Southern made. Styled as the US M.1840 musicians sword (Peterson #44) which is specified with a 28” blade, this example has a 28 3/8” straight broad fullered blade which is unmarked. The brass or bronze hilt is made in three pieces as opposed to two for the regulation pattern. The pommel base has a flamboyant baluster form compared to the ferrule and neck of the regulation swords. Additionally, the pommel and grip are of a significantly different alloy from the guard, which is substantially similar to the US regulation. The pommel and grip are of copper-rich reddish bronze, not seen on US contract swords. Their very noticeable dissimilarity from the guard virtually precludes manufacture in Germany, leaving Confederate production as the logical conclusion. Frank Barnyak was a professional gun show promoter which gave him unparalleled access to the market. He was known for his ability to ferret out rarities such as this.