Our bouquet charms are the perfect way to personalise your beautiful bouquets on your big day!

Also acts as a momento of your big day to have a loved one with you.

If you have a special family member or friend who cannot be with you on the day, this charm can be a way of having them with you ♥

Each oval frame measures approx 2cm by 3cm, and fits a photo of size 1.9cm by 2.5cm and comes with a choice of Ivory, White, or Light Blue ribbon so you can tie onto your bouquet.

***Each frame comes blank for you to glue your photo in the charms. They are not sealed under a glass ***

We will provide a template in your order to assist you in cutting your photo to the correct size to glue onto the frame/charm.

If you would like one sealed under glass, please visit our website for these or see our other listings.