Limited Special Offer

2 x Complete EvriGard Units for one low price


EvriGard uses dual output electrodes and advanced Capacitively Pulsed electron saturation, 

which means it is provides protection to 100% of metal 100% of the time.

Having more contact points does not equal more protection. EvriGard will protect up to a Large 4WD.

Over the last 16 years, EvriGard has tested and utilised various Electronic Rust Protection technologies. There have been major breakthroughs in Capacitively Pulsed technology making it the preferred system due to these main benefits,

  • It provides maximum, overall rust protection, 100% of the time,
  • Quick and Easy to install,
  • maintenance-free.

"Capacitively Pulsed Technology is the most effective in providing significant, overall protection to motor vehicles in all conditions."

If you have any questions please contact us.

About EvriGard

EvriGard International are specialists in Electronic Rust Protection and currently produce a range of systems under various brands which are sold in over 20 countries around the world. See for full product details.

How does EvriGard Work?

EvriGard Electronic Rust Control (ERC) uses a technology called Capacitive Pulsing  which involves the saturation of negatively charged electrons throughout a metal object by way of precise, multi-frequency pulses of charge.

To understand how this controls the formation of rust, it is necessary to understand how and why rust forms in metal.

How does Rust Form:

Metals are made up of millions of negatively charged free-electrons which float around the sub-structure and get attracted and repelled by variances in charges. This is the reason why metal is electrically conductive because there are electrons which are free to move (free-electrons) and electricity is the flow of electrons. Most metals contain defects, this is often caused by tiny foreign materials or impurities which are left during the manufacturing process. In regard to steel, these impurities are usually positively charged in relation to the steel. This means that the negatively charged free-electrons are attracted to these tiny positive charges and what happens is there is a build up of free-electrons at these points and, in the presence of moisture, end up reacting together which involves a depletion of free-electrons from the metal. It is the loss of the free-electrons in this reaction which is known as RUST

The other factor that accelerate rust on modern vehicles is the fact that nowadays there are so many other electronic devices connected to the vehicle, and this causes what is known as stray currents, which are currents that travel outside their intended path, and these stray currents actually accelerate the rusting processes already taking place.

So because EvriGard ERC continually saturates the metal with free-electrons, not only does this mean that electron depletion is controlled, but the constant movement of free-electrons, due to the pulsing action, means that the free-electrons within the metal are forced into a motion at all times making them less likely to want to be attracted and react with the impurities. This counters any stray currents caused by other electronics, and creates a stable environment within the metal.


Because rust involves the exchange of electrons, it makes sense that if we can control the movement of those electrons, we can control rust. The EvriGard system is fitted with two heavy duty electrode outputs, one for the front of the vehicle and one for the rear, offering highly effective protection to all the metal in cars, utes, SUVs etc.

Some Comments from EvriGard Customers:

Over the years I have done a lot of 4x4 beach driving and have had endless problems with rust. I have been using EvriGard on my Nissan Patrol for the last 5 years and have regularly taken it on the beach, often up to the doors in sea water. I currently have no visual signs of rust and I attribute this totally to the effectiveness of EvriGard. It really works.

NG, Chatsworth

I run a mobile auto electrical business and my old Toyota ute is not exactly looked after. I have had the EvriGard system fitted for over 3 years now and the existing rust seems to have halted and no more obvious new rust has formed. Great product.

GS, Hillcrest

I have learned that not all electronic rust prevention product work but can honestly say that I truely believe in EvriGard. It will not stop rust 100% but it will drastically slow down the process and control it. I have had it on 3 of my cars (1 was a previous model), and have been very pleased with the results and the value it maintained in my vehicles.

AQ, Westville

I have Evrigard fitted to mine and my wife's car and both vehicles have no signs of rust after over four years. Good Product, Good Price, Good Service.

ND, Ipswich

Why Buy EvriGard

  • Heavy Duty Dual Output - provides full protection for cars, utes, 4WDs, SUVs etc..
  • Uses Precise Pulse Rates and Output Frequencies for maximum effectiveness
  • Protects the entire vehicle, every seam, joint, weld.
  • Even helps control existing rust.
  • 8 Year Replacement Product Warranty. 
  • 100% Maintenance-Free.
  • Environmentally safe, no messy chemicals.
  • Unit housed in a high quality ABS plastic casing designed to prevent electrical shorts.
  • Easy to install, 15 - 30 minutes.
  • Sells for over $450 through car dealers.
  • Manufactured by specialists in electronic rust protection for over 15 years.
  • Qualified Engineers, with extensive ERP Experience are involved in continuous testing, development and upgrades.

Customers get a unique username and password for access to the restricted 'registered customer area' on the website for Warranty Registration, Product Support, Technical Guides and Tips and ongoing specials and rewards.

EvriGard Australia


We are seeing a few new ERP systems coming in from China and our factory tests each product. It is sad that the ones we have tested (which is not all of them) are totally ineffective and merely light up an LED or even a screen. The reason China does not mass produce ERP systems like they do most other electronics, is because Electronic Rust Protection is more of an art than a science, its not simply connecting power to the metal. Precise pulsing rate, output frequency and various other factors are imperative in rust protection. It has taken many years of continuous development, trials and upgrades by qualified engineers, and experts in ERP, to achieve the effectiveness EvriGard offer today. Do your research before deciding, and email us any questions or concerns you may have.