"The Art of Enchantment: Wonder-Working in the Invisible World."

Steve Seven

copyright © 2023

Spiritual Instinct Press
3/4 leather with hand-marbled paper to boards and end-pages. Gilt titles and decoration to spine and boards. 76 pages, includes two tipped-in colour plates.


A Word About Words

On the Verge of Prophetic times 

Working Wonders in Theory

Celestial Mechanics

Angel Contact Ritual (Basic Form)

Wonder-Working Elements in Angel Contact                                                          

Sigils and Symbols: An Introduction.

Sigils and Symbols in Thaumaturgy

The Wonder in Words

Bringing the Wonder into our Daily Lives

Sorting out the Gold from The Dross: How to Discern Theurgical Teaching

Crafting Wonder Words

Working Wonders in Practice


Steve Seven is the author of more than 12 books on Spiritual Alchemy and Early Christian Magic. You can read reviews of his books on the Goodreads website: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/7981593.Steve_Seven

In this unique book Seven builds on the work of his three volume series; "Magic and Sorcery in the Early Church". It is explained in this latest work that so-called "magic", or, better, Thaumaturgy (wonder-working), is not only a kosher aspect of Jesus' teaching, it is an important part of the Christian's Walk.
The goal of the theurgist or thaumaturge is specifically for the advancement of the Kingdom of God here on this Earth. This is what it means to be co-creators with God: “Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven.” (Matthew: 6.10). In other words, we are working in tune with, and sharing in the unlimited power of, the Creator of the universe.
As demonstrated in this book this concept is a thread that weaves its way throughout both the Hebrew and Christian Bibles.

For more information including a list of contents, please see photos.
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Peer reviews of our books:

Steve Seven's book; "The Idea of the Archetype", has greatly helped to broaden and deepen my understanding and appreciation of the influential role the instincts, and, thereby the archetypes, play in our psychology. Particularly the role they play in our daily lives and in our interactions with others. This has gone a long way toward helping me to being a more effective agent in the sessions with my clients, helping them to know themselves better and to grasp what is happening for them both personally and interpersonally. I have much appreciation for the work Steve has put in this endeavour.

Dr. Andrew Prokopis


Steve Seven is adept at explaining the psychological roots of alchemy and other esoteric spiritual disciplines and at placing them in their historical context. His work shows us a valuable path of spiritual progress.

John Opsopaus, PhD

Author of:

"The Oracles of Apollo"

"The Pythagorean Tarot"

Dear Steve, Your book has good insights and I'm enjoying it. I've found it very informative in defining the broader concept of the archetypes. Kind regards, Bruce.

Prof. Bruce MacLennan

Dept. of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science University of Tennessee

Author of:

"Evolution, Jung, and Theurgy: Their Role in Modern Neoplatonism"

"Psychological Effects of Henôsis"

Dear Steve, I like [your books]. They show a great deal of sensibility and earnestness towards the subject. Warmly Teo.

Prof. Teo Ruiz

Distinguished Professor & Robert and Dorothy Wellman Chair in Medieval History UCLA

Hand bound in blue leather