3 seeds
Telopea truncata is an upright shrub to about 3 metres with bright red flowers that occur in a loose cluster of 10-20 individual flowers at the ends of the erect stems.
Deep green narrow oblanceolate leaves up to 10 cm long. Young branches and unopened flower heads are often covered with brownish hairs.
The Tasmanian Waratah is an excellent candidate for gardens in cooler climates and has been grown successfully in Europe, North America and Canada.
Prefers a medium moist soil in a protected shaded position. Frost resistant but drought tender.
Telopea truncata or the Tasmanian Waratah is a large evergreen shrub from the moist, cooler climate hill regions of Tasmania.
The vibrant red flowerheads that are produced at erect branch ends in late spring can be up to 5cms in diamater and tend to be flatter in profile than the other more famous species.
Soil: Extremely well drained, slightly acid to poor soils. Stony or volcanic conditions suit well, but heavy clays do not.
Maintenance: Do not fertilise with anything that is not organic - it hates overly rich conditions but some well rotted compost and mulch will be well received. Don't over water.
Other Species: Only four species in the Telopea genus - this is the least cultivated
Comments: Name comes from Greek "Telopas" meaning that you can see it from a distance - a bit of a beacon.
USDA Zone 9b: to -3.8 °C (25 °F)