4 seeds
Protea welwitschii, a multi stemmed shrub occurring in grassland and bushveld in South Africa. Leaves are bluish green and hairy at the base when mature. Flowers cream, usually in clusters of 3 or 4."
It is a small tree or shrub, 1-3(5) m tall, or a suffrutex with unbranched annual or short-lived stems to c. 1 m tall in dambo grassland. Young stems brown tomentose. Leaves hairy, 2-5(6) times as long as broad, usually rounded at base. Flowerheads mostly terminal and solitary, sometimes in clusters of 2 to 4.
It is a large multi-stemmed shrub. It is easily distinguished from other species by its leaves, which are densely covered in short velvety hairs, although older leaves may be nearly glabrous. Flowerheads terminal, often produced in groups of 2 to 4. Bracts pale yellowish to brown, flowers creamy-white, turning rusty brown with age, very hairy.